September 18, 2024
Greetings Living Word Church!
What an awesome Word on this past Sunday from Pastor Steve Roy. I have heard the account of Sodom and Gomorrah many times and in many ways over the years. But it is always refreshing to hear content that brings new insights. From Ezekiel 16:49-50, Pastor Steve highlighted specific sins and abominations committed by Sodom that is not usually associated with them. This passage showed that they reveled in pride and arrogance, they were overfed and excessively idle, they neglected the poor and needy, they were haughty and demonstrated lewd and detestable abominations before God. Wow! That seems like a lot. As a result, God said He removed them. I encourage you to read Ezekiel 16 in its entirety. If time permits; read it in different translations.
Within the full context of Ezekiel 16 we find that God is showing Jerusalem the depth of their depravity and God’s scale of judgment. All that said, to ask the question, what scale do we weigh sin on? Do we use God’s scale, or do we use our own? For my entire life, I heard that the sin which led to the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah was only homosexuality. It was as if that particular sin deserved more destruction than other sins. But now, God’s Word informs that that Sodom and Gomorrah had many sin issues, including arrogance, other abominations, and idleness. Clearly God judges sin, but maybe His calculations are different than mine. I love it that we should let Scripture interpret Scripture.
Pastor Steve further expounded on the value of showing forth the nature of God. He stressed the importance of being honorable and hospitable. He reminded us that, “We need to be godly people at all times.” We need not to be overly concerned because God’s justice will come. My brothers and sisters, let us continue striving to walk upright before our God. Continue in your study of the living Word of God. And continue to trust that God’s judgments are just and true. Truly, there is life and hope in the Word.
In Christ,
Sermon Scriptures: Genesis 19:1-22; Ezekiel 16
Connect Group Reflection Questions:
1. What am I learning about God and people through the story of Lot, the Angels, and the citizens of Sodom & Gomorrah?
2. What do Gen. 19 and Ezk 16 say about God’s judgment of sin and the pervasiveness of sin?
3. On Sunday, we learned that we are to always be Godly. Are there any particular challenges you are facing today that are testing your Godliness? How does Sunday’s sermon encourage / challenge you? How can your connect members pray for you?
** Looking forward to seeing you all at the Living Word Family Gathering this Friday, 6:30pm. Praise & Worship, Testimonies, Pizza Party & Desserts to follow.